Nikolai Gusev
I was trained in evolutionary biology, ecology and nature conservation. I am broadly interested in molecular methods able to leverage the goals of nature conservation: In the last years, I was working on the evolution of MHC genes. There, I was intrigued i) by how selection decreases and increases variation simultaneously ii) by the boundary conditions necessary for producing that pattern, and iii) by the possibilities of studying past parasite-host interactions in the present on molecular level. Likewise, I am fascinated by the doors opened by methods of population genetics (and statistics) allowing to look into gene flow events of the past between individuals, populations and species.
My ongoing PhD project revolves around optimisation of eDNA sampling techniques and assessing microclimate in the tropical rain forest of Côte d’Ivoire.
If you also work on one of those lines where science and nature conservation meet, and believe we share interests -- feel free to reach out, I´m open for all sorts of collaborations.